House Committee Advances Bipartisan Electric Grid Resilience Bill

In response to the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee holding a markup today wherein Congresswoman Val Hoyle (OR-4) and Congressman Mike Ezell’s (MS-4) Promoting Opportunities to Widen Electrical Resilience (POWER) Act of 2024 (H.R.9541) was passed unanimously, BuildStrong America Executive Director Natalie Enclade, PhD, made the following statement:

We applaud the members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for their bipartisan leadership in addressing critical infrastructure challenges by unanimously advancing the POWER Act. Critical infrastructure failures are a climate risk multiplier, and the reliability and resilience of the electric grid are fundamental to our nation’s security, economy, and well-being. Disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, and floods disproportionately impact this infrastructure, leading to widespread power outages that harm families, businesses, and emergency response efforts. The POWER Act empowers utilities to take comprehensive mitigation actions, addressing both immediate recovery needs and long-term resilience to better protect our communities against future disasters.

About BuildStrong America
BuildStrong America unites a diverse coalition of stakeholders dedicated to minimizing disaster costs and fostering resilience across America. Our vision extends to proactively mitigating risks associated with all hazards in the built environment, paving the way for a nation that thrives in the face of any disaster.